City Centre Home Buyers Workshop

Thinking of buying a home or condo In The Next 1-to-3 Months?

You have probably heard that one of the smartest investments you would ever make during your lifetime would be to own your home ……

Are You Wondering…..

Exactly how does the home buying process work?

Is the fear of the unknown holding you back from making the important decision to purchase a condo or house … a home of your own?

Is home ownership the best option for you? It may not be!

Would you be interested in investing just 90 minutes with us?


Then this Home Buyers Workshop is for You!

In just 90 Minutes, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the home buying process!

In the Home Buyers Workshop we will take the mystery out of buying a home and offer you a step-by-step guide on how to find and purchase the right home for you and your family.

A home that also fits your financial goals.

The workshop will help you understand the many terms used in real estate transactions.

You will learn how to work with Realtors, lawyers, and other professionals.

How to choose the right mortgage and talk intelligently with your banker / lender / mortgage broker.

You’ll also learn how to choose a home inspector to check out your home thoroughly.

And in the process you will learn how to acquire the right house at the right price. A house you can afford to buy and live in for years to come.

The workshop is FREE and the Workbook Is Included!

Why not invite a friend to join you!

Further information: City Centre Home Buyers Workshop – Free

We invite you to attend our Home Buyers Workshop!

Next Home Buyer Workshop is on;

Thursday, April 18, 2019
At 6:30 PM

Remax Real Estate Centre Inc, Brokerage.
Square One,
100 City Centre Drive, Unit #1-702,
Burnhamthorpe at Hurontario
Mississauga, ON L5B 2C9

In order to allow each participant adequate time for questions and access to our panel of experts, we have intentionally limited the number of participants for each Home BuyerS Workshop. To avoid disappointment, book your seat today. We reserve the right to limit registration.

Please call Allan Todd, Sales Representative, at 905-272-5000 or 416-949-8633 to reserve your seat. Space is limited.

Remember to tell a friend

Remax Real Estate Centre Inc., Brokerage, 100 City Centre Drive, Mississauga.

City Centre Home Buyers Workshop

City Centre Homefinder

Looking for a home at City Centre Mississauga?

We can help you find your perfect home!

Please send me listings for
First Name
Date you wish to be in your new home
Are you working with a Real Estate Agent

When Buying or Selling Your Condo or Home
Call Allan Todd at 905-272-5000 or 416-949-8633
Remax Real Estate Centre Inc., Brokerage
Square One, Mississauga

Absolute Condos / City Centre Condos / Square One Homefinder
Webb Drive Condos / Kingsbridge Garden Condos / Kingsbridge Garden Circle CondosPort Credit Homefinder / Mississauga Condos and Homes / Moving To Mississauga
Allan Todd – My Homefinder
Skymark West Condos / We Have Condos For Sale Toronto / Tucana Court Condos
Land Transfer Tax Calculator
Allan Todd – REALTOR®
Mortgage Calculator
Free Real Estate Reports

Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract with another brokerage, but definitely intended to attract buyers or sellers looking for a REALTOR®.

City Centre Homefinder

388 Prince of Wales

Condos For Sale at 388 Prince of Wales Drive, City Centre Mississauga

There are 5 condo apartments now available for sale at 388 Prince of Wales Drive at Mississauga City Centre. They range in price from $290,000 for a 1+1-Bedroom, 1-Washroom suite on the 31st floor to $465,000 for a 3-Bedroom, 2-Washroom suite on the 18th floor. Details below. Complete listings available on request.

To view any of these condos, call Allan Todd at 416-949-8633 or 905-272-5000. My office, Remax Real Estate Centre Inc., Brokerage is at Square One near Target.


Allan Todd of Remax Real Estate Centre Inc., Brokerage, located at Square One, presents an up-to-date list of condo apartments currently available for sale at 388 Prince of Wales Drive, in the Burnhamthorpe Road, Hurontario Street / Hwy 10 and Hwy 403 Area of Mississauga City Centre across from Square One Shopping Centre

388 Prince of Wales DriveOne Park Plaza Condos at City Centre, Mississauga

1+1-bedroom, 1-washroom suite on the 31st floor listed at $290,000
1+1-bedroom, 2-washroom suite on the 11th floor listed at $299,900
1+1-bedroom, 2-washroom suite on the 28th floor listed at $309,000
2-bedroom, 2-washroom suite on the 35th floor listed at $379,900
3-bedroom, 2-washroom suite on the 11th floor listed at $399,900
1-bedroom, 2-washroom suite on the 18th floor listed at $465,000

To receive complete listings, with photos and virtual tours, where available, and to arrange for a personal tour of these homes or any other homes now available for sale in the 388 Prince of Wales Drive Area of City Centre Mississauga, click here for:

388 Prince of Wales Drive Home Finder
One Park Plaza Condos at 388 Prince of Wales Drive

Selling Your City Centre Condo?
Are you wondering

Let me show you how to attract today’s internet savvy home buyer with my proven marketing system designed to sell your home faster and for maximum value – Allan Todd’s Home Selling System

This proven system Includes all of the Traditional Real Estate Marketing,
Then Adds these exclusive features and benefits:

+ Professionally Produced Streaming Video Virtual Tour
+ Individual Web Site
+ Internet Exposure On Ten+ Web Sites
+ Listing on Castles & Estates – International Real Estate Specialists Website
+ Remax Market Presence
+ Mobile Website
+ Curbside Marketing
= Allan Todd’s Home Selling System

We sincerely believe selling your home for top dollar demands this level of attention to detail in marketing. Why? In order to expose your home to the largest number of potential home buyers and thereby achieve its full market value. We know you will agree. Click here for details

Allan Todd Sells City Centre Condos, Homes, Real Estate

To list your home to sell for top dollar, call Allan Todd, REALTOR at 905-272-5000 today for a “How To Prepare Your Home For Sale” Video, Free, no-obligation Market Evaluation, “Home Seller’s Action Plan” and pre-listing review!

When Buying or Selling Your Home
Call Allan Todd at 905-272-5000

Remax Real Estate Centre Inc., Brokerage
Square One, Mississauga
[wpgmza id=”34″]
Absolute Avenue Condos / Clarkson Home Finder / Council Ring Road Home Finder
Webb Drive Condos / Kingsbridge Garden Circle / Kingsbridge Garden Circle Home Finder
Mississauga Home Finder / Moving To Mississauga / Webb Drive Condos For Sale
Webb Drive Real Estate / Send Out Cards / Skymark West Home Finder
Misssissauga Real Estate Referrals
Churchill Meadows Home Finder
Allan Todd – REALTOR®
Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract with another brokerage, but definitely intended to attract buyers or sellers looking for a REALTOR®.
Allan Todd Sells 388 Prince of Wales Condos in City Centre, Mississauga